Thursday, August 28, 2008

Morning Drama and Harry Potter

After the drama of our early morning, I had to wonder what the rest of my day would bring. It, thankfully, was quite a tame day.

A bit after three this morning, I awoke to find Chris absent from our bed. He was standing in front the bathroom sink doctoring his hand, which had started throbbing and bleeding in his sleep. Yesterday, while at work, he accidentally cut his thumb along the side of his nail and also sustained a small cut on his forefinger. The thumb wound was a pretty bad cut but he rejected the idea of going to the doctor to have it examined. That all changed early this morning.

After stumbling back to the bed, he mumbled that he was feeling dizzy. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it. However, fifteen minutes later, he was still reeling and started dry heaving. He felt really clammy and drained of color. Not wanting to wake Willow Grace and take her to the ER with us, we called his parents around 4, and his dad, who was in such a jovial mood for so early in the morning, arrived about 30 minutes later. Chris ended up with nothing more than a tetanus shot and a poorly rewrapped wound (no stitches) from the doctor although he was told that he really should have gone to the doctor yesterday. It was a deep cut that caused a lot of pain and blood loss, which is why he had all those other symptoms this morning.

On a totally different note…
I have just finished reading Looking for God in Harry Potter by John Granger, which I borrowed from a friend but now must purchase for myself since I really want to reread it and mark notations. First I must say that I greatly enjoy reading the Potter books, and Chris and I often listen to them in the car. We particularly like hearing Jim Dale; I’m amazed at his range in character voices. Anyway, the book I just finished was absolutely fascinating and clearly outlines how the stories clearly parallel the story of redemption and also contain an astounding amount of Christian symbolism. I suppose that I really shouldn’t have been surprised. It’s well known that JK Rowling had a classical education and is also a self-proclaimed Presbyterian (the intellects of the Christian world). I attended a Presbyterian college, and I would definitely say that I encountered a fair number of Hermione-like characters there. For those of you who love Harry Potter and certainly for those of you who shun the books because of “moral issues” I highly recommend this book.

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Shastopher said...
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