Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I cannot believe that I made such a bad typo in my last post. I usually end up typing “Christ” when I am trying to type “Chris.” This time, however, it was the other way around. Apologies to all…. At least we got a good laugh out of it, as I hope did God.

Today we had gorgeous weather, and I wish that I had been able to take advantage of it in the daylight hours. However, Chris and I did manage to go for a walk together tonight which is one of my favorite things to do with him. After dinner, we harnessed Bella and set out for a trip around the neighborhood.

On the way out of the complex, I heard someone behind me say, “Is that yours, Kay?” The person was bathed in the bright light from the streetlight in the parking lot, so I couldn’t see them right away. However, after a moment, I realized that it was Eddie, a guy I knew from high school. And this isn’t just any guy. He’s the one I had a secret crush on for all four years of high school! Crazy, huh? Anyway, I introduced him to Chris and Bella, and the three of us talked for a few minutes. It turns out that he’s been living here in one of the one bedroom units by himself for two years now, and we just hadn’t run into each other!

As far as my crush in high school, I don’t even remember now what it was that I was so attracted to. He was funny and nice, but I can’t remember much beyond that. It’s funny how things can seem overwhelmingly important to you in the moment, but as time passes, those very same things become no more than a faded memory. He looked good, just like he did in high school, but as I went on my way with Chris, I felt extremely blessed that my life has turned the way it has. Chris is amazingly kind and caring and loves me like I believe no one else could. It kind of reminds me of that Garth Brooks song, “Unanswered Prayers.” I’ve prayed for so many things in my life that I thought would make me happy, but God knew what would truly make me happy. I could not have imagined happiness like I now have.

Of course, I am a newlywed, so I guess my sappy comments go with the territory. I could keep going, but I’ll spare you from any more. Instead, I will quite writing and go sit with my husband who is patiently waiting for me to go watch TV with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 'Unanswered Prayers' thing is what I thought of while reading that too! I also think of that when I remember not getting to go to college. If I had've gone, I wouldn't have met Matt. We were talking about that last night. I mean really. Like 99.9% chance that we would never have even run across each other. And even if we had've, d'you think I would have given him a chance? I dunno! Anyway, I know what'cha mean.