Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dancing Baby

In answer to my question last week, they do happen in threes. On Friday, my parents’ next-door neighbor, a man they’ve lived next to for 25 years, died from cancer. Being a very private man, we didn’t even know that he was sick. Another shocking death.

But let’s move on to some good news. I had my second checkup yesterday with the OB/GYN. Apparently, I’m in great health; everything is progressing great. Also, we had another ultrasound, and we were able to see the baby more distinctly this time. In fact, the baby actually seemed to be dancing! The baby was bouncing up and down and moving the arms in front of the little face, almost like a boxing stance. So amazingly cute!

Though we saw the baby’s heartbeat on our first visit, we have to wait another month before we get to hear the heartbeat, and it’ll be another two months before we get to learn the sex of the baby. It’s going to be so hard to wait.

Chris and I went to Target a couple nights ago and looked at all the baby stuff. I got so excited looking at the baby beds, strollers, high chairs, little baby baths, and all the other stuff. I started to get emotional and had to move on to the entertainment section in order to calm down!

I’ve been reading books and magazines and online articles about the pregnancy, delivery, and the first twelve months after the baby is born. However, I have a feeling that nothing will really be able to prepare me for what’s ahead. I’m a planner, so hopefully I’ll be at least as prepared as I can be. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Anonymous said...

I'm a planner also and nothing I ever read ever prepared me for what lay ahead. It is an amazing journey with peaks and valleys. In the end you'll remember the peaks. I think that's God's special gift to mothers.

Stroller and high chairs and carseats are so much fun to shop for. I found going out to Amazon and looking at customer ratings of products helped tremendously w/ selecting good, quality items. Happy shopping!


Anonymous said...

I am sooo glad that you and the baby are healthy and doing so well. You're going to be an amazing mom!!!

Christina L.