Thursday, January 04, 2007

Do you hear what I hear?

Well, it’s not my voice. I lost it somewhere between school, the pharmacy, and home. I didn’t even realize that it was gone until Chris called me from work to let me know he’d be a little late. When I answered the phone, we both found that I had become a squeaky mouse. I picked up some Robitussen at the pharmacy hoping to alleviate some of the sinus problems I’ve been having. I didn’t fall asleep until around 2 this morning, ended up moving to the couch to keep from disturbing Chris with all my tossing and turning, finally fell into a fitful sleep, and woke up feeling like a couple dozen elves beat me up during the night. Still, I was able to make it through my day with the students; however, I began to notice towards the end of the day that there seemed to be a slow leak with my energy.

I was going to come home, take a little medicine, and hop on the treadmill. That did not happen. By the time I had finished taking care of Bella, about 90% of my energy had fled. So, I set up camp on the couch with my big faux fur blanket and my box of Toy Story Kleenexes. After talking with Chris, I tried calling Mom. That was a short conversation, lots of squeaking on my part and advice from Mom to stop talking and rest. I fixed myself some tea and resumed my campout on the couch.

Oh, one of the most intriguing shows I’ve been watching lately is Without a Trace. Have you seen it? It’s all about missing people and the FBI agents who work hard to find them. It stars Anthony Lapaglia. Have you seen him in Betsey’s Wedding? It’s an old movie with Alan Alda and Molly Ringwold. What a great movie! I love his character, my favorite gangster of all time!

I must feel better by tomorrow. There’s just one more day left in this work week; I have to make it. I just can’t think of taking a sick day right now. I’m sure that by morning my voice will return, and I’ll be just fine. The only problem is that I have to work the ticket table at the middle school basketball games until 6:30 tomorrow night. After getting to school at 7 AM, that will make for a very long day. But I will be retiring soon with prayers whispered heavenward for a quick recovery and a couple extra measures of energy to fuel me for my Friday.

I hope your Friday finds you well and happy. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you may not have made it to school today but at least I know that you'll be well taken care of. You need plenty of rest and I hope that you get to feeling better after some rest. I love you bunches