Saturday, February 18, 2006

A job well done....

Being that this is my first post, I have not yet figured this whole thing out. I apologize for the lack of pictures. I play to remedy that soon, I hope.

As I am typing, I can see the light falling on the snow across the parking lot from my apartment building. I am actually glad that the snow came last night instead of Thursday night. I would usually be ecstatic with possibility of not going to work due to hazardous road conditions. However, yesterday would have been a terrible day for that.

Each year at this time, we have a Renaissance Festival for the students I teach and their parents. It’s a chance to connect all of their subjects and let the parents see the “fruit of their labors.” I am the person in charge of the event, and I spend weeks preparing for this one day. It’s very much like preparing for a wedding. Everyone has special clothes, and there’s a big production with a reception.

We spend hours decorating the school gym on Thursday night and Friday morning. Finally, the parents arrive, and the feast begins. They enter the gym by a drawbridge that one of the students and his family built. A few girls created a moat with alligators out of paper to but around the base of the drawbridge. Another student even dressed as a hunchback and begged for “alms” at the entrance. However, I fear that the only one to take pity of him and give his some money was his own mother!

In addition to some special music, the students performed a scene from Romeo and Juliet and a short version of The Sleeping Beauty both of which I directed. I must say that I couldn’t have been happier with the students or with the event as a whole. Everyone seemed pleased and ready with compliments.

However, I am extremely happy that this is now behind me for another year. It’s quite time consuming and exhausting. And now, I can look forward to the promise of more snow tomorrow night. I know that it’s foolish to get my hopes up about this, being that I have so often been disappointed in the past. And yet still I will creep out of bed Monday morning to peek out the window eagerly anticipating the sight of a world covered in snow and icy streets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The show was incredible and very well done. The kids deserved an applause the likes of which they have never seen. Decorations, costumes ... these kids did an amazing job. BRAVO!! BRAVO!!