Monday, February 20, 2006

Four miles to glory....

Today I walked on the treadmill twice, two miles at 5 this morning and two when I came home from work this afternoon. I really want to continue to work out twice a day. I was doing that before I became so busy with preparations for the Renaissance Festival, but I had to cut it down to just my morning workout. However, now that’s over I plan to start back up with the two-a-days. I know most people think that I’m crazy for working out so early in the morning, but it’s the one time that there are no distractions. Even if I miss that afternoon session, I still get the morning one in. Sometimes I do other stuff like Tae Bo, the Firm, and Pilates; but I just love the treadmill so much. Plus, there’s the fact that I get to watch movies while I walk. To me, that just sweetens the deal. I get to watch those girly movies that I hardly get to watch anymore, because I generally try to pick a movie for both Chris and myself when watching in the evening.

I love cold weather. I love getting all bundled up in sweaters and seeing my breath and the possibilities of snow. But I still can’t wait for warmer weather. You see, when it’s warm outside, Chris and I go for walks outside almost every night. I have come to treasure that time so much, but we just can’t handle the frozen fingers, toes, and noses we have to endure when it’s so frigid out. Our relationship as friends started with going for long walks or drives. We talk a lot, and I really think it’s been really healthy for us. Cold weather and high gas prices have kept us from those activities, so I’m looking forward to spring.

Speaking of spring, I bought a couple things for Chris for Easter the other day. I know; it’s not until April 16. But I was in the isle at Wal-Mart that has all the holiday stuff, and I just couldn’t pass it up, I was worried that if I didn’t buy it right away, it would be gone when I returned. I can’t help but always go down those seasonal isles when I go to department stores like that. It’s like they call to me. I can’t hang out in stores the way that my Mom and sister can. They are true marathon shoppers, but I sure can waste some time in Wal-Mart or Target. Also, when I’m in other cities and I start to feel homesick, I feel better if I go to a Wal-Mart or Walgreen’s. I know that sounds strange, but the layout is generally the same in those stores, so it feels like home.


Anonymous said...

We have spent a lot of time in the car or on the road at least talking and I have to agree that it really has helped us. If I haven't told you lately, I'm very proud of you, angel.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh,I love Chris'comment:).I haven't been much on shopping lately.Spring is right around the corner though,I'm looking forward to buying flowers.4 miles! you go girl!

Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart feels like home because it's always been a second one to us. I rememeber those trips to Wal-Mart with Mom and sometimes Ruby too that would last like 8 hours! That's crazy! Talk about bored or just indecisive! And you people think I'm indecisive!
Good job on the treadmill. I like to do 4 miles too. Dad said that when I get a house, he'll look for me one too.
Hey Easter's the day before my anniversary! (hint hint)

Anonymous said...

Awwww Chris that was really sweet! I'm very impressed with your workouts, twice a day or otherwise!

Wayne's the same way about Wal-Mart when we're somewhere else. If we feel out of place or like we're in such a strange place, he's commented more than once being in Wal-Mart makes him feel more comfortable.