My God certainly gave us new mercies and proved Himself to be faithful yesterday as, after days of watching my sweet Willow Grace laying in bed limp as a rag doll, she woke ready to make up for lost time and began to talk nonstop! The first thing she did was tell us that her Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was in the car and we needed to go get it! We were scrambling for socks and shoes and keys, and Chris made the joyful and rash promise that not only could she have Rudolph but anything else in the world she wanted! It's a good thing that really is all she wanted. Whew!
I can't tell you what a joy it was to hear that sweet, yet hoarse, voice squeaking my name and asking questions and showing more of that spunky character we have come to love. She entertained the nurses and doctors and any other visitors who came in the room, and it was absolutely joy-inducing to witness the smiles and hear all the laughter caused by my delightful little girl. So far, she hasn't laughed or even smiled herself, but maybe today or tomorrow we'll get to experience that much anticipated event.
She is still quite pale, weak, and can't eat anything. I can't believe that she hasn't eaten in more than a week now! The dialysis machine perks along, and the plan is still to have her on it indefinitely. She's covered in wires and tubes. She has a little wire on her finger which takes her blood oxygen level and heart rate and has a red light that causes her finger to glow. She tells everyone that she has a Rudolph on her finger. (:
(She loves books. In the picture, you can see Rudolph over her left shoulder, her Rudolph book tucked just behind her, and her little lighted finger. She knows all the words to the song!)
Here are a few things that you can pray for:
1. Her blood oxygen level keeps dropping, and when it drops too much they have to put the tubes back in her nose which, of course, she hates.
2. Pray that her little kidneys will start functioning well on their own.
3. Pray that she will be able to eat something soon and keep it down.
4. She needs an extra measure of patience. As you can imagine, she doesn't want to be in this bed any more. Of course, after she sits up for about a minute, she has to lay back down exhausted.
5. When the dialysis starts each new cycle it really hurts her. They've given her morphine a couple times to help her manage, but I really don't want her to have much of that, and it also makes her really itchy. Pray that God will take away the pain.
Thank you so much for thinking of us here in this little room and for praying for us. It means so much to know that people outside what has become our world care about what's happening here and are lifting us up in prayer. We love you and appreciate you more than you know.
Lamentations 3:21-26 (ESV)
"But this I call to mind,and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.'The LORD is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him." The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.'"