Friday, November 05, 2010

At last?

I haven't written for this blog in so long, nor have I written much of anything. I yearn to write. I need to write. I have so many stories orbiting my brain which deserve telling, so many characters into whom I could breathe life. And yet time is my enemy or perhaps it is lack of time. When I get the chance to sit for a moment, all my inspiration is taken over by mental to-do lists and exhaustion. But I am yet determined to write, to find my time to write, and to finally fulfill what I have long set out to do and even what some many close to me expect.

On a different but related topic, I have been toying with the idea of writing scripts specifically for middle school students. I recently wrote and directed play with 7th graders, and I've been called upon to do the same thing for 8th graders. When I directed middle school plays some years ago, I would read dozens of scripts before finding one that was decent and worthy of being staged. And truthfully, many of the stories that play out in my head seems well suited, maybe even better suited, for scripts. Anyway, it's a thought....

And so now, I've eased my way back into blog writing. Maybe this will open up new doors for all the other writing in my life - poetry, scripts, novels, etc. I hope.


Lisa said...

Yay! Welcome back to your blog, Kay! :)

Eva Joy said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere!
You are a very talented writer. I would love to see the day that you have a novel on the B&N shelf or even on Kindle. :-)
Plays are a strongsuit of yours and you certainly know the middle school mind well and what would work best for them. Attack that idea.