Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Willow Grace Wednesday

I can't believe that today my little girl is 22 months old! It's just another couple of months before her 2nd birthday! I feel like I was just in the hospital welcoming her to the world! She talks nonstop, can say her ABC's, count to 16, and name every character on Playhouse Disney. I have so much fun with her; she's my fun!

She loves this little fish riding toy at her Gran Gran and Pop's house. I've never seen anything like this toy. I only wish I also had a picture of her Uncle Johnny trying to ride it too!

("Give fishy a kissy!")


Donitta bought Willow Grace an early birthday present which she immediately took to. She must have exclaimed a hundred times (no exaggeration), "I love my house!" Right now it's at her Gran Gran and Pop's house, but this weekend it comes to our house. Between this and our new water table, we're in for a fun summer!

("Well, hello!")

("Hey, everybody!")

She loves the fact that the house has a sink and always pretends to wash her hands when she goes inside.
("Wash ya hands.")

I have never known another child to like water so much. Here she is chugging from my 32 oz. jug. Such a thirsty girl!

Have a great Wednesday!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Tomorrow is my birthday. Not sure how I feel about that. I'm usually really excited about birthdays. I think it's really important to celebrate people on the day they were born and to make them feel really special. However, as of late, I've felt that I wouldn't mind if this one just slid on by. It has nothing to do with age; I feel pretty young. Just not so excited.... I guess we'll just have to see how tomorrow goes.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Willow Grace Wednesday

Here's a few pics from the last week.
(High tech baby!)

(What a cool chick!)

(This phone suits her a little better than the first pic.)

(She loves the slide!)

("Wanna wear Daddy's boots!")

("Say 'cheese!'")

Monday, May 18, 2009

Women's Appreciation High Tea

I always mean for this event to be a yearly occasion, but inevitably something hinders my plans. The last time I was able to do it was in 2005. Usually I plan it as a dinner, but this year I thought that high tea would be fun. I invited eight women who have been influential and supportive in my life.

I prepared a light meal of cucumber sandwiches, tomato sandwiches, cheese & crackers, mini quiches, fruit salad, and rose shaped spice cupcakes with a light glaze and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. To my delight everything turned out great, and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon with my dear friends.

After we ate, I presented them with letters that I had written to each one of them highlighting how they've blessed me and others and also showcasing just a bit of each lady's inner beauty. Each lady's letter was read aloud to her by the woman on her right. Yes, there were tears, and it was a very special time. Afterwards, I gave each woman a copy of Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge.

( These are the lovely flowers my husband picked up for me for our event.)

(Some of the hand dipped chocolate covered strawberries we had for dessert. I wish I had thought to get a picture of the table before we all sat down to eat. It really was quite lovely.)

(from left: Christina:former roomate/friend, Donitta:mother-in-law, Aunt Ruby, and Eva Joy:sister)
(from left: Mom, Leslie: coworker/friend, CB: coworker/friend, Charlene: former student/coworker/friend)
(CB took this one so I could be in one of the shots. I wish we could have gotten one with all of us together.We all wore silly hats which just added to the fun!)
I really hope that I'll be able to make this a yearly event from now on.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Willow Grace Wednesday

Since I haven't posted in so long, I thought I'd put a few pics of Willow Grace from Easter up.

She had her first Easter egg hunt. At first, she was really confused and cried when we showed her how to put the eggs in the basket. She thought we were just taking them away from her, but she soon caught on and had fun with it. The first four pics are from Easter, and the last two are just hanging out at Gran Gran and Pop's house.

(hunting eggs with her daddy)

(striking out on her own)

(looking at her Easter card from Papa & Nana)

(I think she likes it!)

("Want the pretty flower, Mommy?")

(She LOVES swinging!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Good Morning!

Extreme Close Up!

I'm determined to have a good day today even though I've had very little sleep the last couple days. I've been up since 2:30 this morning with Willow Grace who is now finally back in bed. Too bad she has to get up again in less than an hour. Oh well. I hope your day goes well.
Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, May 07, 2009


I'm playing with some different ideas for my background. So it'll probably change quite a bit over the next couple days. We'll just have to see if I can come up with anything I'm actually satisfied with. Hasn't happened yet. Oh, well.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Well, it looks like I did more than just consider having a bloggy break. I took one. A rather extended one. It’s hard for me to believe that I haven’t written in three months! The best explanation I can give you is that there were other things taking up quite a bit of my thought time. Of course, there’s a great deal more to it than that, but I must leave it at that.

So, anyway, I’m back. I’ve “girlified” the look of my blog a bit and may even do a bit more to it soon. It really does need a total makeover. There’s nothing earth shattering for me to say today, but I just wanted to ease my way back in the door.

I really wish that I was all ready to go with pictures of Willow Grace today, but that’s just not the case. So, my goal is to be ready with them for next Wednesday. The one problem will be deciding how to pick just a few from three months of pictures. Now there’s a challenge!