Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Willow Grace Wednesday

Since I haven't posted in so long, I thought I'd put a few pics of Willow Grace from Easter up.

She had her first Easter egg hunt. At first, she was really confused and cried when we showed her how to put the eggs in the basket. She thought we were just taking them away from her, but she soon caught on and had fun with it. The first four pics are from Easter, and the last two are just hanging out at Gran Gran and Pop's house.

(hunting eggs with her daddy)

(striking out on her own)

(looking at her Easter card from Papa & Nana)

(I think she likes it!)

("Want the pretty flower, Mommy?")

(She LOVES swinging!)

1 comment:

roadrunner201 said...

She is SUCH a cutie!