Thursday, May 08, 2008


What do you do when you're trying to unpack boxes and have nowhere safe for the baby to play?

You put her in the laundry basket, of course.

She was so happy there!

These pictures are actually from a couple weeks ago, but we still have so much to do with the house. I know that I said I'd post pictures here of our house when it's finished. Well, it's nowhere near being finished, so you'll just have to wait a little longer! I really wanted to post a some pics from this last weekend today, but I'm having a little trouble. For some reason, the CD we burned the pics to doesn't work in my work computer. So, I'll try again tomorrow.

However, I will tell you about our weekend. We journeyed to Chattanooga, my old stomping grounds, on Saturday. Chris's brother's fiance, Kara, was graduating from UTC on Sunday, and we went up a day early to go to the aquarium and to spend a little time with friends. Willow seemed to really enjoy seeing all the fish, but after a bit it just didn't hold her attention. By the time we reached the second building she was done, but we were still able to spend good time in both the butterfly and penguin rooms, two of my favorite things. Later that evening, we went to have dinner with Lesley and Steve Davenport, friends from Covenant, and their three lovely daughters. I wish that we had thought to take pictures there, but I suppose we were too caught up in catching up and didn't even think to take out the camera. They grilled a delicious pork tenderloin for us and blessed us with a couple sun hats and prayer books for Willow Grace.

On Sunday, we took a leisurely morning, enjoyed a nice buffet breakfast at our hotel, and then later went to the UTC graduation. For the most part, I don't really like formal events like graduations, wedding, and the like. So often, you don't really feel enough of a connection to what's going on, and coordinators seem to follow a "cookie cutter" approach to the event. For this graduation, we had the added element of entertaining a nine month old. We went through the toys, the pacifier, the Gerber Puffs, and I finally gave her the little container of puffs to play with. This keep her busy for a couple minutes until she decided to see if it could fly! We were sitting right behind the rails on the balcony just over the entryway below, and she just tossed it over! Watching her, it truly looked as if she planned it. Of course, the container burst open and left quite a mess which we were regretably not able to retrieve. At least we were all entertained and enjoyed quite a nice laugh from it. The only other things we enjoyed about the graduation was seeing some of the amusing ways in which people had decorated the tops of their graduation caps and watching Kara walk across that stage to receive her diploma. We are so proud of her.

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