Monday, February 19, 2007


I was very productive when I returned from work today. It’s been my most productive day of pregnancy! I know that might not sound like a big deal, but it really is for me. I haven’t been able to do much. It’s just after 8, and I am so tired. However, it’s so worth it!

Since I arrived home, this is what I’ve done:
-walked Bella
-started the laundry
-cleaned the kitchen counters
-mopped the kitchen floor three times (once is just not enough)
-unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher
-cleared many of the clothes out of the closet and bureau that are not “pregnant friendly” and finally put away the maternity clothes I bought a week ago
-walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill
-scrubbed the kitchen sink with Barkeeper’s Friend (so great at cleaning stainless steel)
-washed, folded, and put away 4-5 loads of laundry
-fixed dinner for myself and ate (Chris is still at work.)
-fed and walked Bella again
-sat down to write this post

I had plans to iron, but I think I’ll leave that for tomorrow. I also plan to clean the bathrooms then. Big plans! Seriously, I know it might now sound that exciting. However, as sitting or reclining on the couch has been my primary home activity, it’s nice to have a change of pace. Hopefully that elusive second trimester energy is starting to kick in.

Last night Eva and Matt stopped by with a friend. It was so nice to engage in girl talk and just chat with Eva about what’s been going on in our lives. We haven’t had much time for that kind of thing lately. And I know that Chris enjoyed hanging with the guys. Matt bought a whole Coca-Cola cake for her from Cracker Barrel. Have you tried it? It’s so rich… and, oh, so delicious! Since I found out that they brought it back, I’ve been wanting a piece so badly. I’m going to have to get Chris to take me to the Cracker Barrel for a little treat.

And now that I’ve been so wonderfully industrious, I think I’ll reward myself with a nice little foot soak, People magazine crossword puzzle, and relaxation.


Anonymous said...

After being at work all day I think thats over the top.
Glad to hear your feeling better.

Anonymous said...

You're on a roll, I know that must feel great to get so much done!! Good for you!!

Christina said...

You go, girl. You are one of the most hardworking women I know!!! I'm glad that we are both learning to rest more.