Today I came home and immediately put on my walking shoes in order to go for a stroll with Bella. We took off for a few turns around the complex. With the wind whipping up and the questionable skies overhead, I didn’t want to take any chances and get caught in the rain like I did a few weeks ago. Besides, each lap is about a quarter mile, and there are varying degrees of incline… not too shabby of a walk.
I decided to take Bella down to the front of the complex where there’s a large field affectionately (?) referred to as Pooh Corner. (I’m not sure where the name came from; the only thing I can figure is that’s where most of the residents take their dogs.) In the middle of the lot is a stone which lies level and can’t be seen from the road. As we neared the stone, I decided that it would be a good place for me to stand while Bella explored and ran in circles about me.
I noticed a dark, deep hole just beside the rock, and I recall thinking, “I wonder what could be down there?” Instead of continuing my train of thought, I turned my attention to Bella, always the entertainer. After a few moments I started to feel a strange eerie feeling around my right ankle. I look down in that direction, toward the hole, and noticed two long spindly legs reaching over the side of the rock and lifting a plump black body over the ledge. Immediately my mind leapt towards memories of Harry Potter and Aragog, the humongous spider. As she came continued to move back and forth over the tip of the stone, I noticed the red sphere just under her abdomen. I began to slowly back away, stepped away from the stone, and headed back across the field. Though I was fascinated with the black widow, I had no desire to stay and tempt her to defend her abode.
My other encounter with an insect tonight was after Chris and I left Walmart. After a very simple dinner of sandwiches made with toasted slices of his mom’s delicious sour dough bread, we ventured out for a quick grocery shopping trip. When we prepared to put the groceries in the back of the Rover, Chris pulled out something rather large and furry and red, pitched it towards me, and said, “Do you want this?” I was surprised to find in my arms a ladybug, about two feet around on all sides. It has, like the black widow, black legs, but it’s not at all scary. I have not idea what I’m going to do with this gigantic love bug, but for now it does make me smile. I wonder if there will be room for Chris in the bed tonight!
Here it is! Isn't it cute?
Yeah, now just imagine that it's pitch black and you go to get in bed only there's this Giant Bug in your space and you didn't see it until it was too late. Yeah, my heart lept out of my chest. I'm really glad you like it though.
O.K., enough of that, I shouldn't have read this post!! LOL
I'm wondering it's not so much named Pooh Corner as Poo Corner, in fact *because* so many people take their dogs there. ;)
I love the ladybug. How great is great!! Where did Chris sleep?
Nice looking ladybug!Chris is a nice guy, very thoughtful and generous.
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